FACEBOOK: Celeste Chen

INSTAGRAM: @Celestechen

Celeste Chen had her eyelash perm and eyelash extension done at Prestige! Our Korean Eyelash Perm will curl your eyelashes evenly and brighten up your eyes!


DJ and Blogger Celeste naturally have really long lashes but she is really lazy to put on lashes everytime. For the past few times she have been going out without lashes. This is not the first time she visit our Prestige!

Check out our Eyelash Perming!


The white Sticker protect Celeste’s eye from the eyelash perm glue.

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After her eyelash perm, her eyes look more brighter and bigger! It look nautral even without any makeup!

Let check out Our eyelash Extension!

Our Eyelash and Eyebrow Specialist, Wendy Chong(above) is doing the Eyelash Extension for Celeste now!

Now after her eyelash extension, Celeste have lashes on everytime! & even without make up, her eyes still look so pretty!
Check out the pictures below.


Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent. It can be done by attaching single or multiple hair fibre extension to each of your original eyelash.

Eyelash extensions will fall off little by little each week. Touch-up is recommended every 2 to 4 weeks (average: every 3 weeks) to keep a full look.


After her eyelash service, Celeste was pretty satisfied with her eyelashes done.


The Prestige Eyelash Extension VIP Packages
VIP 3 Months Unlimited – $238
VIP 6 Months Unlimited – $388
1 Trial Session – $48

The Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist
Celebrity Feng Shui Eyebrow Specialist – Irene Teo
New Orchard Rd Outlet – Pacific Plaza, #03-08, 9 Scotts Road, Singapore 228210
Phone – 6733 3369 / 6733 3379
Website – www.PrestigeEyebrow.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PrestigeEyebrowSpecialist

Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent. It can be done by attaching single or multiple hair fibre extension to each of your original eyelash.
Eyelash extensions will fall off little by little each week. Touch-up is recommended every 2 to 4 weeks (average: every 3 weeks) to keep a full look.