Fingernails, Toenails & Getting Beautiful Hair!

It may seem weird to hear that people judge others by their hands, but it is true. When you meet someone for the first time and shake their hand, it’s the first thing that they notice about you. This being the case, having dirty hands isn’t cool, so find out ways to keep your nails looking fresh and clean.


  • Never bite your fingernails! The reason why is because prolonged fingernail biting causes the nail to become misshaped and curved.
  • Use a nail file properly, and always go in the same direction when you are filing your nails. By doing a sawing motion on your nails, you’re creating small tears in your nails that will eventually make them break off.
  • Push your cuticle up toward your skin daily to keep your nails from looking shaggy. This is easiest when your fingers are wet, thus making the ideal time right after you get out of the shower.
  • If you have the budget on hand, could either visit the salon once in a while to polish your nails or purchase a bottle of cuticle remover and makes it easier to remove too.
  • Keep your nails at a safe length that you’re comfortable with by using nail clippers. Overtrimmed will cause sore/redness or even bleeding on the nails. You wouldn’t want that to happen!
  • When you’re trimming your nails, don’t try to clip the nail in one cut. Use multiple cuts until the nail is trimmed so that you get a nice shape.

Beautiful Hair

When it comes to beauty tips for hair, there is a simple truth you need to accept – not every day is a good hair day, but there are ways to make most days good, while also skipping out on the hot blow dryers, curling irons and flat irons (damaging to the hair).

1. Wash, rinse, repeat — not!

Washing your hair twice in one session is an old marketing trick designed to make you use your shampoo up twice as fast. Double-shampooing strips all the natural oils out of your hair as effectively as paint thinner. Hair should never be “squeaky clean” because that’s the same as “super-dry.” Even people with naturally oily hair merely rev up their oil production by stripping all the natural oil from their scalps. Put in a little conditioner on your hair the days you’re not shampooing or you could opt for a dry shampoo too. Healthier hair with more body and shampoo costs that are cut in half.

2. Use baking soda for healthy hair

Your hair will look shinier and bouncier if you remove all traces of styling products and conditioner every six weeks or so. But you don’t need to buy a special clarifying shampoo. Simply mix a tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of white vinegar and work it into your hair. Rub it in well all along the hair strands and then rinse thoroughly.

3. When it comes to Dyeing, timing is everything

Don’t use any clarifying shampoo, either store-bought or homemade, if you have just colored your hair because it can remove some of the colors and leave your newly coiffed head looking a lot less lustrous and evenly toned. But it’s a great idea to use a clarifying shampoo just before you color your hair. Removing all traces of buildup allows the hair to take the color much better, and thus the color will last longer.

4.  Stay away from too much of a good thing

Shampoo, conditioner, gel, mousse, hairspray — whatever you’re putting on your hair, you’re probably using too much. Try using half of the usual amount of everything you put on your hair, from shampoo and conditioner to gels and hairspray. You’ll prevent (or slow) product buildup, allowing the products to be more effective, and you’ll make a bottle or tube last twice as long — cutting the price effectively in half.

5. Sleep like a princess.

Your hairstyle rumples less if you sleep on a satin pillowcase. Cotton pillow covers (yes, even those 400 thread-count sheets) roughen the cuticle more, but satin allows the hair to slip smoothly over the surface as you roll and turn in your sleep. Satin allows you to preserve your do overnight. If you’ve spent a lot of time getting styled the day before, a night on the satin will help leave it magically preserved in the morning and ready to face another day.

6. Baby those tresses

Don’t pay premium prices for high-end shampoos that are specially formulated for colored or permed hair. An inexpensive bottle of baby shampoo will treat your hair just as gently and will also allow the color or perm to last much longer.

7. Give it a natural shine

To bring out your highlights without a lot of expense, use an astringent rinse last thing while washing your hair. For lighter-colored hair, combine 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 1 cup of warm water and pour it over your hair. To bring out the highlights in darker hair, mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of warm water.


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The Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist
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