The Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist – Newly opened on the third level of Pacific Plaza at unit #03-08 is a luxury beauty parlor which specializes in eyebrow embroidery microblading, Eyelash extensions and other related treatments for both men and women. It is also the very first beauty parlor that specializes in “Men Power Up” eyebrows as well as shaping eyebrows based on Feng Shui for improved luck and fortune.
Stunningly and lavishly decorated in velvet red and shiny gold, the entire shop oozes opulent grandeur as though one has been transported back to the days of the “Roman Empire” where royalty enjoy being pampered from head to toe. Similarly, customers are treated like royalty and given the utmost attention and best treatment service. They pride themselves with their highly skilled treatments to leave customers feeling fully satisfied for having transformed to a more beautiful “new” person.
Eyebrows are definitely super important cos it’s the ‘frames’ of your face, and trust me when I say that it makes a WHOLE LOT OF DIFFERENCE! For me, I like em super thick and straight, but unfortunately, I was pretty much born with so little eyebrows, they’re like not even there……..
I still do draw my eyebrows now but I love doing eyebrow embroidery microblading cos it gives me a good guideline on how to draw my brows everyday and when I’m without makeup, I don’t look that dead!
This time, Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist has done a super good job for me and I LOVE IT!
Check out how the 3D NANO KOREAN eyebrow embroidery microblading COLOURINGwent when I went down 4 weeks ago :
These are my naked eyebrows, with some of the previous eyebrow embroidery microblading done still slightly visible…! Told them I wanted my usual daily eyebrow shape embroidered on but cos I draw my brows pretty thick they recommended that I get them done thinner FIRST, then add on the next session if I still want it thicker.
After shaping it’s time for NUMB CREAM! So that it isn’t painful 🙂
The beds are comfy and you can just lie down and relax while they get it done within an hour!
Jor and Jo also got their eyebrow embroidery microblading done here!
You can see how natural the strands look, and I love that they mixed the colour for me just right, not too dark and not too light 😀 I love it!
Headed down about 2.5 weeks later for the grand and official opening!
Thank you Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist for a wonderful session, and I love love love my brows now, they make it so much easier to draw them evenly, thick, just the way I like it.
Gonna head back for my next session soon to thicken them a lil bit and fill in the gaps!
As all humans, our skin sheds and regenerates new skin cells. Hence, the naturally enhanced eyebrow embroidery microblading colouring will slowly fade off naturally. It is a normal process to shed “old” skin cells to reproduce new baby skin. So it is normal to do a touch up once in 10-12 months to maintain your newly shaped eyebrows.
The Prestige Eyebrow & Lash Specialist
Pacific Plaza, #03-08, 9 Scotts Road, Singapore 228210
For Free Consultation, please call – 6733 3369 / 6733 3379
Website –
Facebook –
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