If you are forever drawing on your eyebrows or you want to save makeup prep time, you also want to look great 24 hours a day, then eyebrow embroidery microblading is your answer.
The new semi permanent makeup technology that can give you that natural stylish look you’re after. What’s more, is the amount of time you will save re-drawing your eyebrows.

What is eyebrow embroidery microblading anyway?

eyebrow embroidery microblading is a semi permanent technique using colour pigment drawn onto the skin giving you natural looking eyebrows. The technique used is natural feathering of hair like strokes creating a beautifully designed brow.

Is this the same as an eyebrow “tattoo”?

Yes, and no. Yes it can be considered as a form of tattoo, however, the pigments are distilled water based (opposed to the common oil carrier based pigments in conventional tattoos) thus resulting to a semi-permanent lasting result.
The work involved with eyebrow embroidery microblading is only performed on the skin surface. Thus, making eyebrow embroidery microblading a MUCH SAFER treatment than traditional eyebrow tattoos. The colour can also be adjusted in alignment with the original eyebrow hair colour, which results to a realistic look and feel. eyebrow embroidery microblading creates the background and fills in the parts of the eyebrows that looked empty so that a full and complete look is accomplished. The “3D” effect gives it an added realism to the end result.
Unlike an eyebrow tattoo, eyebrow embroidery microblading does not leave a flat, dull and fake look that tattoos leave behind, nor is it permanent, so you are free to modify the shape of your brows, according to the latest trends.


So why semi-permanent, why not permanent?

Semi-permanent gives you the flexibility to change, down the track. Permanent tattoos don’t. Infact, permanent tattoos tend to fade to a dull blue shade that sticks around like a bad smell. Thus, going semi-permanent offers you the option of continuing with your current shape (by simply doing a “top-up” treatment) or completely reshape your eyebrows.

Is there any down time?

The majority of people don’t need to take time off work. There is usually no swelling with the eyebrow treatments, however this can vary from person to person depending on levels of sensitivity.